Seasonal Visa

Farm Worker Jobs in Italy 2025 – Seasonal Visa

The quota for the Decreto Flussi, which permits seasonal and non-seasonal laborers from non-EU countries, has been opened by Italy. By obtaining a 9-month seasonal visa, farm laborers in the seasonal visa category can significantly capitalize on this opportunity. This enables them to procure a nine-month work visa in Italy without the need for any additional qualifications. Due to Decreto Flussi, there is currently an extremely high demand for agricultural worker positions in Italy. The reason is that a substantial quota of 82,550 has been allocated for seasonal employment, which includes a significant number of agricultural and agriculture laborers.

Check Also: Work Visa General Labour Jobs in Oman – Apply Now

Which countries’ applicants are eligible for seasonal visas?

The impermanent laborer program of Italy has opened up applications to candidates from 34 countries. The following are as follows:

  • Albania,
  • Algeria,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina,
  • Korea (Republic of Korea),
  • Ivory Coast,
  • Egypt,
  • El Salvador,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Philippines,
  • Gambia,
  • Georgia,
  • Ghana,
  • Japan,
  • Guatemala,
  • India,
  • Kyrgyzstan,
  • Kosovo,
  • Mali,
  • Morocco,
  • Mauritius,
  • Moldova,
  • Montenegro,
  • Niger,
  • Nigeria,
  • Pakistan,
  • Peru,
  • Republic of North Macedonia,
  • Senegal,
  • Serbia,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Sudan,
  • Tunisia,
  • Ukraine.

How to find Farm Worker Jobs in Italy 2025

In Italy, there are numerous methods for locating a seasonal employment. Initially, individuals seek job references from intimate acquaintances, such as family members or colleagues who have already established themselves in Italy. Conversely, a significant number of individuals lack this capability. In this scenario, the sole avenue for locating impermanent employment in Italy is through online portals. Here is an online portal that can be used to locate or browse for impermanent employment opportunities in Italy.

Private and official job portals

*Use Google Chrome on a PC to enhance your experience with Italian website translations.

Benefits of Farm Worker Jobs in Italy

  • Wages that are Competitive: In Italy, farm laborers frequently receive competitive compensation, which are determined by national and regional labor agreements.
  • Opportunities for Seasonal Employment: The grape harvest (vendemmia), olive gathering, and fruit harvesting seasons are among the numerous seasonal employment opportunities available in Italy’s agricultural sector.
  • Meals and Accommodations: Many agricultural employers offer free or subsidized lodging and sustenance to their employees, which serves to mitigate their living expenses.
  • Sponsorship of Visas for Foreign Workers: Italy provides work visas to foreign agricultural laborers, particularly those from countries with bilateral agreements.
  • Job Accessibility: Farm laborer positions are generally accessible to a diverse population, including students and expatriates, due to the fact that they necessitate minimal qualifications or experience.
  • Possibility of Working Outdoors: Farm labor provides a refreshing alternative to interior employment by allowing individuals to spend time in natural and scenic rural settings.
  • Exposure to Italian Culture: Employees are afforded the opportunity to fully embrace Italian culture, traditions, and cuisine by working on farms in Italy.
  • Benefits and Social Security: In Italy, legal agricultural laborers are entitled to social security benefits, such as health insurance, unemployment benefits, and pension contributions. Additionally, workers are afforded protections under Italian labor laws, which guarantee equitable treatment and compensation.
  • Contribution to Sustainable: Agriculture Italy is renowned for its emphasis on sustainable and organic agricultural practices.
  • Community Building and Networking: Opportunities to interact and collaborate with individuals from a variety of origins are available through farm work.

Eures Portal

The European Commission has developed this portal to facilitate the creation of a CV and the search for employment opportunities throughout the European Union. To obtain assistance from this portal, adhere to the guidelines provided below:

Click on this link which will land you on the following page:

Select the “Find a Job” option.

In the work category section, specify the desired employment title (for example, “agricultural job”). Subsequently, select Italy in the subsequent country box:

This page will consistently display available employment opportunities in various regions of Italy. Select an appropriate job offer and submit your CV and cover letter online through their website or by sending them your CV.

Additionally, you may establish a job seeker account on Eure’s website by clicking here to receive notifications regarding new job postings:

Exemplary titles of jobs in the agri-food industry

  • Agronomist
  • Agrotechnician
  • Laboratory analyst of the agri-food industry
  • Poultry farmer
  • Agri-food technician
  • Cellarman –
  • Direct farmer
  • Farm operator (professional agricultural entrepreneur)
  • The driver of food processing plants
  • The driver of agricultural machinery
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Oenologist
  • Fruit grower – Frantoiano
  • Specialized agricultural worker (farm worker)
  • Horticulturist
  • Pruner

Italian CV and Cover Letter patterns

The European format is the most frequently employed curriculum, as it enables the uniformity of information among individuals of varying nationalities or who have concluded their studies in various countries. It also enables companies to utilize a solitary and unambiguous instrument that distinguishes skills irrespective of the country of origin and the location of the qualifications’ acquisition. This does not imply that it is not possible to adjust it to the specific job offers, nor that it is always advisable to provide a comprehensive explanation.

The curricula can be personalized and made more engaging by incorporating specific references to one’s interests or personality. Additionally, they can be developed in video format. It is contingent upon the applicant’s nature and must be consistent with the position for which they are applying. Consequently, it would be advantageous to have a variety of types prepared in advance.

The European Curriculum Vitae is significant for two reasons: first, it has the potential to improve experiences and training courses on a universal scale, without cultural distinctions or sense of belonging. Second, its standardized model enables companies to have a single, unambiguous tool that identifies skills regardless of the country of origin or the location of the qualifications.

The European CV’s sections focus on the most critical areas, which are necessary to provide a comprehensive profile of the candidate that can be used on the job market, even across borders. The sections are categorized as follows:

  • individual information
  • professional encounters
  • education and instruction
  • personal capabilities, including proficiency in foreign languages
  • interpersonal abilities (inclination to collaborate with others, etc.)
  • organizational abilities (e.g., coordination experiences)
  • technical proficiency (operation of apparatus, instruments, and computers)
  • artistic abilities (writing, sketching, and music)
  • Other specific skills are then required, such as possession of a driving license, further information of particular relevance (indicate references, for example), and any attachments to be presented (examples of works performed in the case of professions such as art director or graphic designer).

More Info

It is important to acknowledge that all of these job portals are operated by third parties. We have no relationship or partnership with them at all. Never pay anyone to assist you in finding employment. We are not responsible for any financial matters or responsibilities that you may have with them. It is also possible that these positions will be supplanted by other positions in the future or that they will be difficult to locate due to their continuous updating.

  1. Is Italy a favorable place for farming?

    Italy offers diverse farm work opportunities across various agricultural sectors. Vineyards and wineries are prominent, especially in regions like Tuscany and Piedmont. Olive groves, producing world-renowned olive oil, are also common.

  2. Is Italy a favorable place to live economically?

    On a global scale, it is among the pricier destinations, but within Western Europe, it is cheaper than nearly three-quarters of other countries. Therefore, if you are looking for options to live in Europe while saving some money, the lower cost of living in Italy might be a big advantage.

  3. How many people in Italy are engaged in farming? 

    According to the last national agricultural census, in 2010, there were 891,000 people employed in agriculture, mostly men (71.3%) and residents of southern Italy (46.8%).

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